Saturday, August 13, 2005

Just stopped by to say hi!

Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tina, but most just call me Grannygrump. I have 4 children (1 girl, and 3 boys) daughter has my very first and precious grandson, William! The boys better wait a few years before I get any from them...they are all teenagers! I live in a small rural area is Southern Missouri (the Ozarks). Beautiful country! I have been married for a bit over 20 years to my wonderful hubby Sam. I own a small print business which gives me lots of opportunities to pursue other areas of interest (poker).

I joined a while back and absolutely love the site! Betty and Holis have been great and I have made several friends and like the community atmosphere! I became a moderator a week or so ago to help them out with our growing community. Hope I can help them make it the ultimate site for poker info! If any of you out there haven't been over to check us out, now is as good of time as any...we welcome you!

Until later, have a good one! And remember to be nice to little old ladies you meet at the poker tables!