With the state of online poker, I have been diversifying into other industries.
Take for example the following few sites :
http://www.forex-learning-centerThis site helps visitors understand more about FOREX trading. This is an example of me working on a site that interests me. I dont have the experience in forex trading that I have with poker but its an interesting topic.
http://www.toprankdvds.comThis is an amazon store focused on dvds. It updates the best selling dvds from amazon daily.
This is my 1st real try at ecommerce. I really dont think this site will be my last in the area. I know it wont match the income potential of promoting poker but it will teach me more about marketing real products.
http://www.mypokervideo.comThis site is my 1st try at social type traffic, It allows users to upload videos (ALA YOUTUBE) and/or watch the ones we have already uploaded. The niche is staying focused on poker as this is where i feel strongest. I have high hopes that this site will grow into something more than a pet project.