I was a bit bored the other day and decided to waste my 2.50 freeroll winnings at Titan - so I played a DirtyDozen SNG (It's a 2.00+0.35 buyin 12 player Jackpot SNG). I have never, ever sat at a table with worse players. Came in second - after loosing a coinflip heads-up. I decided to continue playing at least one of these a day until I either bust or win the jackpot (4 wins in a row gets you a neat $2000). These are my stats right now:
Played 6, starting bankroll $2.50, current bankroll $36.40
Current streak 2 wins - best streak 2 wins
1:st 3
2:nd 2
3:rd 0
4:th 0
bust 1
ROI 240%
ITM 83%
Profit: $33.90
Profit/trny $5.65
The funniest thing is that I've actually come within inches of baggin the jackpot already - 3 of the 4 top finishes we're back to back - and both times I came in second I had a better hand getting outdrawn allin - heads-up. I wish I had these numbers playing $20 or $50 SNG's....
edit: stats updated