Friday, October 28, 2005

Most requested addition added!

I should have posted this sooner,but I fergot!

We have recently added graphics for all playing cards to allow our members to discuss poker hands with pictures :)

Thanks to papahun for staying on my ass till I got it done....

Check out for more details!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Freerollerz League Season Two Game 2 WINNERS!

I had a horrible showing, was focused on the league, 4 cash tables and content creation for our new book review section of

I came in 13th out of 20. Its good to see more competition this season compared to last...

Anyway here are the top 10 from this week!

Congrats to team europe for taking most of the top 10 again!

1. Force2000
2. LilFizz
3. KeithdaGreat
4. Ssabnomot
5. rgchan
6. Chefoner
7. bobbybotox
8. laxy2
9. bigd2303
10. edmantanane